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Connecting CoolFocus to CDM+

Learn how to integrate CoolFocus with CDM+ to smoothly import donations.

If you previously used the Stewardship integration into CoolFocus, you'll need to migrate to the CDM+ integration after you migrate to CDM+.

How to Connect CoolFocus to CDM+

You will need your CDM+ API key. See How to Find API Credentials for steps to locate your API key.

Follow the instructions in the support articles below for how to connect CoolFocus to CDM+.

Getting Help

For help in CoolFocus please contact CoolFocus support:

  • CoolFocus Support Team's online chat

For help with CDM+ please contact CDM+ support:


Are the transactions automatically sent to CoolFocus?

Transactions are not automatically sent from CDM+ to CoolFocus. You will choose to import the transactions into CoolFocus. This gives you more control over the transactions that are going into CoolFocus. For steps for how to bring transactions in, you can refer to this support article, .

How do I make sure that I don't miss transactions if a deposit was settled on the date that I had previously entered for the "Deposit End Date"?

Best practice will be to use the date that you had previously entered as the "Deposit End Date" as the new "Deposit Start Date" the next time you pull in transactions. This way you will insure that if something was deposited after you pulled in transactions you will bring the newly settled transactions over. You will see the full this of transactions that are in this date range but once you go to import the transactions only the ones that have not been imported previously, will be imported. So no need to worry about duplicate donations. 

Will manual checks/cash/in-kind donation entered into CDM+ be sent to CoolFocus?

No, CoolFocus will only pull online gifts, just like in Stewardship.

Will Event transactions be seen in CoolFocus?

No, Event Registration payments in CDM+ will not be sent to CoolFocus.

Why am I not seeing a transaction in CoolFocus?

You will first want to process pending donations in your Process Pending Donations queue prior to pulling in your online gifts in CoolFocus. You can click on this article, , for steps on how to Process Pending Donations

A second reason might be that the transaction has not settled yet. You will only see settled transactions sent to CoolFocus. 

If a transaction was in process before the migration and settled after the migration and I use the CDM+ import, will I see the transaction in CoolFocus?


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