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How to Configure your Record Windows

One of the great options in CDM+ is that you can configure your record windows to see the information that is most helpful for your role at a glance. These configurations are saved per admin user as differ members of your team may want to see different information. 

Configure Donor Record Window

  1. To configure your Donor Records window from the Welcome to CDM+ window, click on Donor Records

  2. In the results window, click on Configure in the bottom left-hand corner. 

  3. You can use the drop-down list to select the different fields you want to see in your results window. If you want to remove a field, click on the red X. You can also use the red arrow buttons to move the fields up and down to be in your desired order. Then, click on Save in the upper left-hand corner to save your settings.


  4. Some recommended fields for the Donor Results window might include:
    Donor Code
    Donor Last Name
    Donor Salutation Name
    First Donation Date
    Last Donation Date
    YTD Donations

Configure Individual Records Window

  1. To configure your Individual Records window from the Welcome to CDM+ window, click on Individual Records

  1. In the results window, click on Configure in the bottom left-hand corner. 

3. You can use the drop-down list to select the different fields you want to see in your results window. If you want to remove a field, click on the red X. You can also use the red arrow buttons to move the fields up and down to be in your desired order. Then, click on Save in the upper left-hand corner to save your settings.

  1. Some recommended fields for the Individual Results window might include:
    Individual Last Name
    Salutation Name or First Name

Configure Address Record Window

  1. To configure your Address Records window from the Welcome to CDM+ window, click on Address Records

  1. In the results window, click on Configure in the bottom left-hand corner. 

  1. You can use the drop-down list to select the different fields you want to see in your results window. If you want to remove a field, click on the red X. You can also use the red arrow buttons to move the fields up and down to be in your desired order. Then, click on Save in the upper left-hand corner to save your settings.

  1. Some recommended fields for the Address Results window might include:
    Last Name
    Salutation Name
    Address Line 1

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