Process Pending Donations
The Process Pending Donations (sometimes displayed as Gifts) feature allows you to be able to prevent duplicate donor records in CDM+ when a donor chooses to give as a guest. This allows a donor to continue to give as a guest if they choose but have their historical giving record all under a single donor record. The donor's transaction itself has processed or is being processed, this steps just ensures that the record will display on your reports accordingly. Donors who login to give will not appear on this list. As a best practice, it is good to Process Pending Donations before pulling your needed reports.
There are a few ways to Process Pending Donations. You can see both options below.
Option #1: Process Pending Donations and Creating Records through the Process Pending Donation Queue
To Process Pending Donations, simply click on the Process Pending Donations button on your Welcome to CDM+ window.

2. You will then see a window that will list all of your recent donations where someone has given as a guest. You will see a dot next to each donation record that represents a different status.
No Donor Record Selected (red dot)
Donor Record Selected (yellow dot)
Ready to Process (green dot)
Initially, all donations in this list will either have a red or yellow dot. CDM+ will attempt to match an incoming gift to an existing Donor Record in CDM+. If it can, that gift will have a yellow dot. If it cannot, the gift will have a red dot.

3. When you select a donation that CDM+ cannot easily identify the source (red dot), you can either select a Donor Record to tie the donation to or create a new record.
To tie a donation to an existing Donor record, first click to select a donation that has a red dot. For this donation, you are also able to see the details about the donor's address and about their pending gift.

4. Under the Donor search field, start typing in a portion of the donor's name you want to tie this donation to and then hit Tab on your keyboard. You will see a list of potential donors that you can tie this donation too. If there is a match, double-click on the address you want to tie the donation to. Then, you will see the red dot turn to yellow next to the donation record.

5. If there is not a match for this donor then you can double-click on New Donor.

6. First you will be asked to tie this Donor record to an Address record. If it is a brand new donor and is not associated with a current address record, simply click Add from the right sidebar.

7. In the Address Record window, you will want to enter in the donor's Family Name Information. Second, you'll enter in their address information. Thirdly, you'll list the donor in the "Family Status" box. Please note this is a very important step as this is what will create their Individual Record. You can list other names at this same address in this section as well.

It is also good to look up their Email Address under Search Transactions. You can copy their email and then in the Address Record window click the Email tab. Next, click Add Email Address. Choose the email Type and paste the email you copied from Search Transactions. You can also choose if you want to assign the email to the Address or Individual. Then, Save your changes in the upper left-hand side of the menu.
If you do not add their email address when creating this new record you will not be able to see it in the future. Once you tie their pending donation to the new record, the system will override the details in Search Transactions.
9.. After saving the address you will see another window that will allow you to save the Donor Record. Simply click on OK.

10. You will now see the red dot has turned to yellow next to this donation.

11. After you have reviewed all your donations and have associated them with an existing Donor record or have created a new one, you can now mark these records for processing. Simply click on the record with the yellow dot and then click on Mark for Processing. Then you will see the dot next to the donation turn to green.

12. Once you have marked all the donations you want to process, simply click on Save. All of these donation records will now be displayed on your reports.

Option #2: Process Pending Donations and Creating Records through Address Records
On the Welcome to CDM+ window, click Process Pending Donations.
When the Process Pending Donation window opens, move it over to the right of your screen.
On the Welcome to CDM+ window, click Address Records.
When the window opens, move it over to the left of your screen.
In the Process Pending Donation window, you will then see a window that will list all of your recent donations where someone has given as a guest. You will see a dot next to each donation record that represents a different status.
No Donor Record Selected (red dot)
Donor Record Selected (yellow dot)
Ready to Process (green dot)
Initially, all donations in this list will either have a red or yellow dot. CDM+ will attempt to match an incoming gift to an existing Donor Record in CDM+. If it can, that gift will have a yellow dot. If it cannot, the gift will have a red dot.
Click on the first donation with a red dot. You will see details about the gift, including the donor’s full name and address.
On the Address Records window, setup a find by Last Name → contains → last name of the donor to make sure they are not in CDM+. If they are not, a pop-up window will appear saying no record can be found.
Click Add on the left sidebar.
Enter the donor’s information as shown in the Process Pending Donations window.
Enter in the donor’s Family Name Information - make sure to fill in the Mailing Name and Salutation Name fields with the first name of the donor. The Mailing name is the more formal name (Robert) while the Salutation field is more informal (Bob).
Enter the donor’s first name in the “Family Status” box, and then hit tab on your keyboard to automatically populate the last name. Please note this is a very important step as this is what will create their Individual Record. You can list other individuals at this same address in this section as well, such as husband and wife.
Enter in their address information.
It is also good to look up their Email Address under Search Transactions. You can copy their email and then in the Address Record window click the Email tab. Next, click Add Email Address. Choose the email Type and paste the email you copied from Search Transactions. You can also choose if you want to assign the email to the Address or Individual.
If you do not add their email address when creating this new record you will not be able to see it in the future. Once you tie their pending donation to the new record, the system will override the details in Search Transactions.
Click Save in the left sidebar.
You will receive a popup prompt, asking if you want to add Donor Records - click Yes.
Click Save in the left sidebar.
Back on the Process Pending Donations window, under the Donor search field, type the donor’s last name, but leave off the last letter. Then, hit tab on your keyboard. If they are the only donor with that last name, the system will automatically populate that Donor. If multiple donors have that last name, (like Smith,) a list of potential donors will appear. Double click on the correct record. The red dot will then turn to yellow.
Click on the record with the yellow dot and then click on Mark for Processing at the top of the window. The yellow dot will then turn green.
Once you have marked all the donations you want to process, simply click on Save at the bottom right of the Process Pending Donations queue. All of these donation records will now show up in your reports.