How to Transfer Donation Records
There may be a time when you need to transfer donations from one Donor to another. The Transfer button allows you to quickly transfer one or more donation records from one Donor to another. After the transfer, you have the choice to delete the first Donor.
Navigate to Donation Records by going to Donation Records.
Setup a Find to search for the donations you want to transfer. Then, click to select one or more donation records in the Donation Records window. If you need to select more than one donation you can hold down the Command (on Mac) or Ctrl (on Windows) key on your keyboard to select all the donations that you need.
Click the Transfer button from the left sidebar.
You will see the Transfer Donation window appear. You’ll have the choice to:
Transfer all donations or Transfer Selected Donations Only
Type in the Donor’s code or name for the Destination Donor or click List to select from the list of Donors
Decide if you want to Delete source Donors after transfer
You will see your choices in the Results section. Click OK, when ready to transfer.
You’ll see a pop-up asking if you are sure you want to transfer the donations. Click, Yes.
You will then see a pop-up letting you know the Transfer is complete. Click, OK.
Now you can view these donations under the Destination’s Donor’s record.
Trouble Shooting Transferring Donations
When you go to transfer donations that are already tied to a published Online Statement, a message that says, This Donation links to a published giving statement. Please delete the giving statement before updating the Donation.
You will need to retract this Online Statement before continuing with the transfer.