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How to Delete a Payment Method

Please note that you cannot delete a payment account tied to a scheduled donation. You will need to cancel or edit the schedule to come out of another payment method before you will be able to delete a payment method. Deleting a payment account does not affect an existing schedule. It only removes it as an option to be used for new donations. 

  1. From the Welcome to CDM+ window, click on Donor Records. 

  2. In the Donor Records window, setup a find to search for the donor. Then, click to highlight their record and click on the Engage tab. 


  3. Click the Donor's name on the right-hand side and you'll see the Payment Methods option appear. Click Payment Methods.

  4. Choose if you need to delete a Credit Card or Bank Account and then click on Delete next to the saved payment method. 

  5. You'll see a pop-up message asking if you are sure you want to delete this payment method. Click on Delete

  6. You'll then receive confirmation that the payment method has been deleted, click on OK.  

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