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Modify Custom Listing Set Options

When you Create or Modify a report you have a lot of freedom of what information is pulled in. Below are a few other ways you can customize your report even more.

Formatting Fields

  1. When you’re under Columns from the left sidebar, you can either create a new set or modify the fields in an exising set by either clicking on the + sign or the blue circle with down arrow button. If you click on the + sign you’ll be asked to name the set and then be taken to the Modify Custom Listing Sets window. If you’re modifying an existing set, the blue circle with down arrow will also take you to this window.


  2. On the Modify Custom Listing Sets window you may Add, Delete, Rename, and Publish sets.
    When you create a set for a CDM+ custom listing or export, by default it will be fully available to all other users of your database. If you don’t want other CDM+ users to be able to modify or delete your set, click Publish once to de-select it (the icon will change from dark to light). Making this change limits other users to read-only access to your set.


Note that while sets you create are available by default to all users of the system, only the creator or owner of a set can modify or delete it. Review this article to learn how to become an owner of a report.

  1. When adding fields to a set, you’ll notice some of these fields are marked with an asterisk *. When added to the Fields in Set column, these fields have additional parameters that can be used to format the output. For example, when Full Individual Name is added to the Fields in Set list, additional parameters offer formatting options to display the name with the last name first, include the middle name, and include suffixes and titles.


  2. When you add a Phone Number and/or Email to the Fields in Set column, they can be formatted to specify which phone or email types to include, whether to show the type and description, and how to handle numbers and addresses marked Unlisted. You can also choose whether or not to include all numbers connected to the address and numbers for the other individuals in the household.


  3. Another example is on the Donor Custom Listing which has a field named Total Selected Donations that allows you to total donations for a specific date range and giving fund(s).


Additional Options

  1. Setting Column Widths. You can customize the widths of the columns by clicking the Widths button in the top bar of the Modify Sets window. CDM+ will open the Column Widths window. To adjust the width of a column, click and drag the divider between the field names. You double-click on a field name to have CDM+ determine the column width based on the data in the column. That column box will turn gray to indicate that this option has been selected.


  2. Adding Blank Fields. You can also add blank columns to the custom listing, perhaps to provide space to check off lines or write in information. To add a blank column, click the Add Blank Field icon.


  3. Enter a name for the blank column and click OK.


  4. Load Defaults. Click Load Defaults to load a default set of database fields in the Fields in Set column. The default fields are hard-coded into CDM+ and will vary depending on the CDM+ program in which you are working. Clicking on Load Defaults can be a helpful starting point in creating a new set; you can delete any of the default fields and add other fields as you wish. 


  5. Click Close when finished working in the Modify Custom Listing Sets window. Your changes will be saved.


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