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Hosting a Fundraising Event

When you are getting ready to organize a fundraising event, you can use different components of CDM+ to help make your event successful. 

You will first want to create your event's registration link. This is the link that you will put on your website or on any print material that you are using to advertise your event. You will likely put the details of your event on your website. You will just use the link to receive online registration. Follow the steps below to setup your link. 

Tracking Registrations

When you setup your Web Ministry Tools link you can setup notifications so that you are emailed every time someone registers online. You can also create custom reports so that you can see all of the registration information you need in a single report. If you want to manually add registrants who do not register online you can do this through Registration Entry. You will track both online and manual registrations through the Event reports you create. 

Best practice is that you create a fund that you will assign to a giving set to track donations that come in from this specific fundraising event. We would also recommend that you create a giving set with just this fund so that it makes giving very simply for your donors. The night of the event, you can put the giving set's QR code on the program or pledge card. Donors can scan that QR code and make their donation. You can also give this link to donors who are unable to attend but would still like to donate. 

Tracking Registration Payments and Donations

Event Registration Payments will not show up on the Donation reports because they are not considered a Donation. Also a note that this means they will not show up as tax-deductible donation on your contribution statements and a Donor record will not be created for a person who registers for an event. If you want to see a report that will show both Donations and Event payments you will use the Transaction reports. You will use these reports to reconcile your bank statement during this time and to see the full scope of the transactions (event payments and donations) that came in for your event.  If you want to be able to drill down the details about the donations you received for your event (get the donor's contact information, if they created a one-time or recurring donations, etc) then you will use the Donation report. 

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