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Publishing and Emailing Your Statements

After generating your statements you can now Publish and Email the statements to your donors. 

Publishing the Statements

When you publish a statement it means that it is now visible to your donor when they login to their Engage account.

  1. To publish the entire batch of statements, from the Batch Details page, click on the green Publish All Unpublished  button at the upper right-hand corner of the page. 

  2. If you only want to publish a single statement for a specific donor,  click on the drop-down next to the status in the Status column and choose Publish. This will just publish the statement for the selected donor. 

Email Published Statements

After you publish your statements, you can send your donors an email letting them know that they can view their statement through their Engage account. 

  1. Before emailing your statements, check the Batch Details Page to make sure there are no errors. If you see a red exclamation mark next to a donor's name, that means that the Email Statement box is not checked on their Donor record. You will want to make sure to check this box on their record before continuing. 

  2. You will also want to scan through your list to make sure you see the Email button next to the donor's name. If you do not see the Email button, it means that the donor does not have an email attached to their Donor record. You will want to go to their Individual record to add their email associated with their Engage account

  3. Once all alerts have been updated you can click on the Email All Published button to email your donors. 

  4. If you only want to email a single donor, you can click on the Email button next to that donor's statement. 

  5. You will get a success pop-up message to let you know the emails have even successfully sent. 

  6. When you email all published statements, you are sending a notification email to your donors encouraging them to login to their Engage account to view their statements. An example of this notification is below. 

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