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How to Create a Giving Link

Whether you want to create a specific link for your giving page on your website or you want to highlight a specific fund for a special event, you can create different Giving Sets, to manage the giving links your donors interact with. 

  1. To create a giving set, from the Welcome to CDM+ window click on Engage Settings. 

  2. Next, click on Giving Sets from the left-hand side menu and then click on New Giving Set. 

  3. On the next page, you can name your giving set (which will be visible to your donors), customize your URL, and decide if you want to enable recurring gifts or only receive One-Time gifts through this link. 

  4. On the same page, scroll down to where you see Funds. You can choose to add all the Funds in your Fund List by clicking on the Add All Funds button.

    Or you can click on the drop-down arrow next to the Add Fund field to add only the funds that you wish to appear on your link. 

    Then, just click on the fund you want to add.

    You will then see the fund added to your link. 

    You can add as many funds as you wish to your link. The funds will appear in the same order that they are listed in your fund list. Click here to see how you can manage your fund list.

  5. Next, you can add custom header and footer text that will appear at the top and bottom of your giving form. This is a great place to provide instructions to your donors or to simply say thank you. You can also change the background color of your form. When finished, click on Save Giving Set.

  6. Next, you will see a pop-up box that lets you know you have successfully created your link and your changes have been saved. 

  7. You can then scroll back up to the URL section on the page and decide if you want to copy your link, embed your link, or download the QR code to send this link to your donors.

  8. When you are finished, simply scroll down to the bottom of the page and click on Back to Giving Sets

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